+421 33 5565 525 | fsv@ucm.sk | AIS | Prihláška | knižnica
Official name: The Slovak Republic
Capital: Bratislava (429, 564 inhabitants)
Date of establishment: 1 January 1993 (after splitting of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic)
Political system: parliamentary democracy
Administrative organisation: 8 regions, 79 districts, 2,933 municipalities out of which 140 are cities and towns
Regional capitals: Bratislava, Trnava, Nitra, Trenčín, Žilina, Banská Bystrica, Prešov, Košice
Official language: Slovak
Neighbouring countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine
Area: 49,035 km2
Population: 5,443,120 million of year 2019
Living costs – Slovakia
Prices below provide an idea of how much living in Slovakia costs.
These costs are just approximate and they are a subject to change.
Guest room at a students‘ dormitory: from 12 € per night 1 bedroom flat: from 300 € per month including utilities 2 bedroom flat: from 450 € per month including utilities
Lunch at a canteen: from 1.60 €
Restaurant meal: from 5 €
Pizza in a pizzeria: from 4 €
1 litre of milk: 0.70 – 1.15 €
1 litre of mineral water: 0.40 €
Loaf of bread: 0.50 – 1.50 €
400 g spaghetti: 0.80 €
Beer: 1.20 €
National Holidays – No classes on these days
1 January – Day of the Establishment of the Slovak Republic
6 January – Epiphany
March, April – Good Friday
March, April – Easter Monday
1 May – International Worker‘s Day
8 May – Day of vicotry over fascism
5 July – St. Cyril and Methodius Day
29 August – Slovak National Uprising anniversary
1 September – Day of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic
15 September – Day of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, patron saint of Slovakia
1 November – All Saints‘ Day
17 november – Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day
24 December – Christmas Eve
25 December – Christmas Day
26 December – St. Stephen‘s Day
Instructions for Incoming students out of EU
If you do not need a visa to enter the Schengen Area, you can stay in Slovakia for a maximum of 90 days in any 1 80-day period (unless you are granted a temporary
residence). If you plan to apply for a temporary residence in Slovakia, do not forget to bring all the documents necessary for the application procedure with you. In case you are not granted the temporary residence within these 90 days, you will have to leave Slovakia (Schengen Area). The decision-making process about your application may take up to 30 or 90 days, depending on the type of your temporary residence.
A national (long-stay) visa (type „D“) can be granted:
if it is necessary for granting a residence in Slovakia, for language education in a language school (the applicant must be at least 1 5 years old and the tuition must take at least 25 hours weekly), if it is necessary to fulfil Slovakia‘s commitments under international treaties, or if it is for the benefit of the Slovak Republic.
The visa is issued for stays longer than 90 days, for a maximum of one year. If it is issued for granting a residence in Slovakia, it is issued for 90 days. In case of the language education, its validity is limited to 31 July of the given academic year. If the foreigner is allowed to stay longer than for a year, the national visa will be replaced by a temporary residence before the day of its expiry. The long-term visa holders are allowed to travel to other Schengen member states (outside the border of the state which issued the visa); however, the number of days spent in those states cannot exceed 90 in any 180-days period.
When applying for a national visa, you need to submit the following documents:
completed form „Application for National visa“ valid travel document, recent full-face colour photograph 3 x 3,5 cm, document demonstrating the purpose of the planned stay (e.g. confirmation of acceptance for language education, in case of applying for a national visa in order to apply for a residence in Slovakia, all the documents necessary for the residence application must be submitted), proof of medical insurance, other documents may be requested by the embassy/ consulate only in case the documents submitted are not sufficient for granting a national visa.
Students from third countries who are planning to stay in Slovakia for longer than 90 days shall apply for a temporary residence for the purpose of studies.
A complete application consists of the following documents: completed form „Application for the temporary residence“ must be completed in Slovak), two recent full-face photographs 3 x 3,5 cm, valid passport (the police officer will make a copy of it), document proving the purpose of your stay – a confirmation of studies letter from a state authority (competent ministry) or a university, or a confirmation from an organisation which is administering a scholarship/mobility programme approved by the Slovak government or an EU programme under a contract with the competent state authority (scholarship award letter), document proving sufficient financial resources for your stay – your bank account balance statement, a letter of award stating the amount of your scholarship, a confirmation of financial coverage, or an affidavit issued by another person about the provision of financial resources together with that person‘s bank account balance statement, criminal record extract (apostilled or superlegalised) from your country of origin and from every country where you have stayed for more than 90 days during six consecutive months within the last 3 years. High school students are exempted from this obligation.
Health insurance in Slovakia
Under the Act No. 577/2004 Coll., a student from another EU member state or an alien student studying at a school in Slovakia based on an international
agreement, that binds the Slovak Republic, is subject to compulsory public health insurance, unless participating in health insurance in another EU member state.
Free health care is provided on the base of compulsory public health insurance in the scope specified in the applicable international agreements.
As for the health insurance, all incoming Erasmus-students have to arrange for their health insurance in their home country for their travel and the whole period of their stay before their arrival in the Slovak Republic. There are no limitations to the extent of the insurance.
It is strongly recommended to get the needed information about health insurance regulations with your national authorities before you arrive in Slovakia.
Incoming Erasmus-students from the EU and Switzerland are expected to bring along their international health insurance card (E 111) for their Erasmus-stay in Slovakia, which covers their respective medical treatment in Slovakia in the same way, as it is the case for Slovak students. In addition to that, they can also conclude some commercial health insurance for their stay in Slovakia.
Students coming from the so-called third countries (Turkish students and students from other countries) have to conclude sufficient health insurance for all the possible cases in their home country. In case of a needed medical treatment, it is necessary to pay for their treatment immediately at the doctor’s. Their contractual insurance company will reimburse the costs for the medical treatment concerned to them after their arrival back in their home country.
In case of health insurance concluded in the Slovak Republic, the treatment is free of charge.
Erasmus Student Network Slovakia (ESN Slovakia)
Erasmus Student Network is a non-profit student organization. It is an advisory body to the Slovak Association for International Cooperation.
Its main goal is to represent foreign students in Slovakia and thus provide opportunities to contribute to cultural understanding and personal development under
the motto „students help students“.
ESN Slovakia focuses on working in the interests of students who spend part of their studies at a university in Slovakia. It aims to create conditions for a better understanding of different cultures, from which it aims to help students not to regret the time spent at universities in Slovakia, and to have the best experience and experience from it.
Approximately 2,000 foreign students come to Slovakia every year. There are 10 sections of these students in Slovakia, from Bratislava to Košice. ESN Slovakia strives to make every student experience the best experiences of his life just on Erasmus. Tours, social, sports and cultural activities, parties, competitions, meetings and more are organized. ESN Slovakia closely cooperates not only with the Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation (SAAIC), but also with individual universities in Slovakia and covers sections at the following universities.